The Customized Software Development Company | BlueVision Softech


Software Development always concentrates on procedures of the developer's code with custom ways (traditional ways).it includes syntax, alignment, structures, some of the programming languages are case sensitive in this case we should observe whether it's written correctly or not. we should provide customized software, for this, we should know the customer requirements details perfectly, we should get to know about their view in a detailed way.  

We as a Software Development Company. We take ideas from clients if they have any suggestions we give 1st priority to them our software developers trained well they follow up the client's requirements in every stages software has its life cycle there are 6 stages:-

  • Stage 1: Planning and Requirement Analysis
  • Stage 2: Defining Requirements
  • Stage 3: Designing the Product Architecture
  • Stage 5: Testing the Product
  • Stage 6: Introducing in the Market and Maintenance

 In these six stages, developers make several meet-ups with clients so that clients see how their dream is becoming successful (software).In a company, they do daily discussions to meet client's expectations. They give some prototype models (sample software) to check whether it's completing its task or not there are so many factors to check here like speed, responsiveness, performance, etc.

Our company has a well-determined team of software developers who overlooks every single minute point of a client's demands(requirements).

We have traditional models:- 

Waterfall model.

Agile Model & XP(extreme programming)

The Waterfall model:- 

It was invented by Royce. This contains many tests like the system feasibility test. And then it continues by analysis of requirements all these are stages of this model, all have validations with every stage. They have separations on each phase, the fundamental purpose phases is a separation of each phase dealing with a separate set of tasks, it uplift complex a huge function(tasks)of developing software is divided into smaller tasks. In this model documentation is a must .and have linear order it's very useful. It even consists of installation, operation& maintenance.   

Agile Model & XP(extreme programming)

*it should develop & delivered in small increments.

Even late change requirements should be allowed.

Face-to-face communication is preferred over documents.

Simple design which evolves with time.

                               XP(extreme programming)

* The development team estimates how long it will take to implement a user story.

* They don’t contain the detailed requirements 

* Test-driven development(Tdd) then approach is test cases are notified first & code is written.

* It rectifies the refactoring to be done to improve the design if needed.

* It uplifts frequent integration of different units.

 We do evolve customized software for some of the client's demands this software should be also useful for physically challenging people and we consider that as our highest priority. we build user-friendly software it can be using menus it can use some symbols who can’t understand languages they can also use the apps by seeing symbols. the developers make sure that clients are satisfied.    

BlueVision Softech is delivering customized software it giving awesome services after giving the final product also and gives special assistance, importance to the clients. They give extra than what is expected by our clients. We have our best development team they give their best in every project. 

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