PHP Interview Questions For Beginners | BlueVision Softech


As a beginner preparing for a PHP interview, it's essential to be well-prepared with some common questions that may be asked during the interview. Here are some PHP Interview Questions for beginners along with their explanations:

PHP Interview Questions

What is PHP?

PHP, an acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor, is a server-side scripting language primarily utilized for web development purposes. It is embedded in HTML and executed on the server to generate dynamic web content.

What are the advantages of using PHP?

  • PHP is open-source and freely available.
  • Learning PHP and grasping its syntax is made easier due to its user-friendly nature and straightforward structure.
  • PHP is platform-independent and supports various operating systems.
  • It has extensive documentation and a vast community for support.
  • It can easily integrate with databases and other technologies.

How do you declare a variable in PHP?

In PHP, you can declare a variable using the dollar sign ($) followed by the variable name. For example: $name = "John";

What are the different data types in PHP?

PHP supports various data types, including string, integer, float, boolean, array, object, and NULL.

How do you concatenate strings in PHP?

To combine strings together, the dot (.) operator serves as a concatenation tool. For example: $message = "Hello" . " " . "World";

What is the difference between single quotes and double quotes for defining strings?

Single quotes (' ') treat everything inside them as a literal string, while double quotes (" ") allow variable interpolation and escape sequences.

How do you handle form data in PHP?

Form data can be accessed using the $_POST or $_GET superglobals, depending on the form's method (POST or GET).

What are PHP sessions? How do you create and destroy a session?

PHP sessions are used to store and retrieve data across multiple web pages. Sessions can be started with session_start() and destroyed with session_destroy().

Explain the difference between == and === in PHP.

== is used for loose comparison and checks if the values are equal, while === is used for strict comparison and checks if the values and data types are equal.

What is the use of include and require in PHP?

Both the "include" and "require" functions in PHP are employed to import external PHP files into the current script. The difference is that if the file is not found, require will generate a fatal error, while include will only produce a warning.

How do you handle errors in PHP?

PHP has error handling functions such as error_reporting() and ini_set() to control error reporting levels. Additionally, you can use try-catch blocks for exception handling.

What are PHP cookies? How do you set and retrieve a cookie?

PHP cookies are used to store small amounts of data on the client side. You can set a cookie using setcookie() function and retrieve its value using $_COOKIE superglobal.

Explain the use of foreach loop in PHP.

foreach loop is used to iterate over arrays and objects. It simplifies the process of traversing elements in a collection.

How can you prevent SQL injection in PHP?

To prevent SQL injection, use prepared statements or parameterized queries with placeholders for user input, rather than directly embedding user input in SQL queries.

What is the use of the header() function in PHP?

The header() function is used to send HTTP headers to the client browser. It is commonly used for redirection and setting content types.

Remember to Practice Answering these questions and be ready to explain your solutions during the interview. Good luck!

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