Why Website Is Showing Not Secure? - BlueVision Softech


When a Website is showing as "not secure," it typically means that the website does not have an SSL certificate or that the SSL certificate is not properly configured. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates are used to establish a secure and encrypted connection between a web server and a user's browser.

Why Website Is Showing Not Secure

Here are a few reasons why a website might be showing as "not secure":

Lack of SSL Certificate: An SSL Certificate is essential for securing the transmission of sensitive information, such as personal data or financial details, between the user's browser and the web server. Without an SSL certificate, the connection is not encrypted, leaving the data vulnerable to interception by malicious actors.

Incomplete SSL Configuration: Even if a website has an SSL certificate, it may still show as "not secure" if the certificate is not correctly configured. This can happen if the website owner or administrator has not properly installed or activated the certificate.

Mixed Content: When a Website contains both secure (HTTPS) and non-secure (HTTP) elements, it is considered to have mixed content. Browsers may display a "not secure" warning in such cases because the non-secure elements can potentially compromise the security of the entire page. This can occur when a website references external resources (such as images, scripts, or stylesheets) using HTTP instead of HTTPS.

Expired SSL Certificate: SSL Certificates have an expiration date. If the website's SSL certificate has expired, the browser will flag it as "not secure." It is crucial for website owners to renew their SSL certificates before they expire to maintain a secure connection.

Website Vulnerabilities: In some cases, a website may display a "not secure" warning due to underlying security vulnerabilities or malware infections. Browsers often implement security measures to protect users from accessing potentially harmful websites.

If you encounter a "not secure" warning on a website, exercise caution when providing any sensitive information. Avoid entering personal data or engaging in financial transactions unless you trust the website and have verified its security. It's advisable to contact the website owner or administrator to inform them of the issue so that they can address it and secure their website properly.

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